Interested in Becoming a Volunteer?
Let us know your interests by completing our Volunteer Form!
The Morgan Hill Historical Society is an all-volunteer organization. We rely on our generous community to help preserve and share our history. The Society offers a variety of ways to become involved, learn more about your community, and have a great time!
Following are some of the volunteer opportunities available. No prior experience is required. The Historical Society provides any necessary training, and time commitments are flexible. Thank you for your interest!
Interpretive Tour Docent:
Museum and/or Hiram Morgan Hill House
Educational Programs:​
Living History Field Trips for area schools
In-school educational programs
Lecture series, workshops, and speakers
Museum Collections and Archives:
Research, organize, and document files and collections
Develop and manage a student internship program
Research and write grants
Migrate hard copies to digital format
Research and plan exhibits
Spring and Holiday Boutiques
Community Picnic
Founders' Dinner
Holiday Teas
Special Events and MORE
Property Management:
Maintenance and Repairs
Board Member:
Skill sets to fill open positions
What interests you? Let us know by completing our Volunteer Form!